Feb 26, 2011

Craft classes.
At Kilmaneen Farmhouse we are offering a whole new range of classes for craft enthusiast

Parchment craft- introduction
Learn the basics of parchment craft from a trained Pergamano tutor.
This class will cover the techniques of pen work, tracing, adding background colour, embossing & perforating.

Enquire now for details

Parchment craft - intermediate
Improve on skills that you have already learned. This class covers advanced pen work, lacework, 3-D parchment craft and painting techniques

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Learn to make personalised greeting cards that you can be proud of. Starting off by making handmade paper. Techniques covered include 3-D decoupage, pyramiding, making your own card stock and customising your own envelopes.

Enquire now for details

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contact us click kilmaneen@eircom.net